frustrated and struggling

So, we’re all frustrated. We were told that an inpatient hospital stay wasn’t going to be enough for us that we needed a more long term care place. I hate having BPD, and being blind with DID is hard. I just wish we could get the help we deserved.

Tags -alters, DID, dissociative identity disorder, BPD, borderline personality disorder, trauma, inpatient, hospital]

Error in last post

Sorry for the errors in our last post. I am using dictation / voice input, and I’m just trying to out. I have an appointment with my therapist and case worker this morning at 8, and then I’m meeting with my counselor from the center against sexual assault at 2 p.m. I’m hoping those appointments go well. We definitely have a lot to talk about with everything that’s been going on lately. things

Bad start to my day

So, I’ve haven’t had a very good start to my day. R. Game today. That’s not fun, plus it also makes the pots that much worse because it lessens the volume of blood in our body. Hoping that I can get my new SIM card today so I can get my new phone activated. So yeah hopefully this goes well. Here’s to a good rest of the day

Update time

So I got an LG v20 phone today. I’m really looking forward to using it. How is everyone doing today? Please call me with a few words about how your day is going or how you cope with your mental illness.

Frustrated with POTS!!!!!!!!

So, I’m frustrated with having POTS. I hate the fatigue!!!!!!!! The other thing I that I’m struggling with my depression and not wanting to do simple things like showering. Having so much trouble with things like that.

As a system, we’re doing ok, I guess.. We’re struggling a lot with flashbacks and nightmares… Last night, I had a dream that someone was trying to kill me. Need some support….

Tags-alters, mental illness, DiD, POTS, dissociative identity disorder, trauma, PTSD, depression=


So, I hate having POTS. I can’t seem to drink the recommended amount of water because of the fact that I have an eating disorder and such. I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to know which foods I should eat to best maximize my health with POTS? How do you get the strength or motivation to do simple things like just standing up to do the dishes? We’re all new to this.

medical condition

So I have POTS or postoral orthostatic takacardia syndrome which basical.y means that I can’t stand to stand up. My blood pressure keeps running low. This morning it was 80/45. Also, I was told to drink 3 to four liters of water a day and to take in more salt. I’m getting tired of eating pickles though lol. So I’ve been worrying about that for the last three days.