long overdue update

Hello everyone,
So, it’s been a while since we’ve done an update to this blog. We are currently in the hospital with a central line infection and a UTI. We came in last Sunday to the ER, and they told us we were fine, so we went home. I saw my bloodwork and all was not fine. Our white blood cells were crashing and the platelets were dropping too. They just sent us home with an oral antibiotic and said we had a UTI. We told them that the next time we came back we would be septic. We were right. We came back on Tuesday and we were in sepsis. We had blood cultures taken and they came back within 8 hours as positive for gram positive staff epidermatitis. So we were not only fighting a UTI but a bloodstream infection as well. We thought we were going to have to have a heart surgery because they thought there was a piece of vegetation on one of my heart valves, but luckily, there is not one there, but there is one stuck to the current central line, and we are going down today to get the line replaced. Not sure how they will remove the line with the bacteria stuck on the end. I know this has been a lot, but we want to thank you all for being here for us.
Hope all of my readers are well.

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